
Long Range wireless vibration sensors released

As an industrial leader of wireless vibration and temperature sensors, Broadsens releases SVT-L series vibration sensors that can reach up to 1km range in open space (line of sight). The SVT-L series sensors integrate wireless accelerometer and temperature IC. SVT-L series sensors have the longest range among high performance wireless vibration sensors (based on BLE or Zigbee technology)  in the industry. Different from LoRa sensors (which is for very low data rate and very long distance), the SVT-L series sensors can transfer much larger amount of raw acceleration (vibration) data with comparable low power consumption.

The long-range wireless vibration sensors includes SVT-LA sub series and SVT-LV series. SVT-LA sub series include SVT200-LA, SVT300-LA and SVT400-LA, which operates exactly the same as the SVT-A series sensors, but triples the transmission range. SVT-LV sub series include SVT200-LV, SVT300-LV and SVT400-LV. They also operate exactly the same as the SVT-V series sensors with longer distance. Users can add, delete or change the sensor description like the standard SVT-A and SVT-V series sensors.

The SVT-L series sensors use ER18505 battery for higher power consumption than standard Broadsens sensors. The long-range wireless vibration sensor has an integrated power amplifier to boost both the transmission and receive signal. The transmission signal strength is up to 20dBi, which meets the FCC/IC and CE regulations.

The SVT-L series sensors are ideal for applications that require longer distance, or in locations where there is strong interference from structures. Users can use the longer range sensors to replace the standard sensors for these applications. The SVT-L series sensors work with Broadsens's edge-computing gateways exactly the same as the standard range sensors.

The weight of the SVT-L series sensors is 117 g (4.1 oz) including battery. The size of the sensor is 37x71 mm (1.46x2.80 inch) diameter x height.

Long range wireless vibration sensor

SVT-L series long range wireless vibration sensors are available to order starting from March, 2024. Please contact Broadsens for details.

Wireless IMU SAG200 Released

Broadsens just released the industrial wireless IMU (Inertial measurement unit) SAG200. SAG200 integrates wireless accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer that offers 9 Degrees of Freedom (DOF). SAG200 utilizes Broadsens's proprietary low-power consumption technology, and achieves industrial-leading power consumption of less than 5mA when the IMU is taking measurements of 3-axis acceleration, 3-axis angular rate, 3-axis orientation, computing pitch, yaw and roll angle, transmitting the results to Broadsens's edge-computing gateway. The gateway supports Broadsens's best-selling wireless vibration and temperature sensors at the same time.


Wireless IMU SAG200 integrates ER18505 battery that can last up to 10 years if the sensor take measurements for up to 10 minutes a day (battery capacity will be reduced in hot or cold environments). The wireless IMU has the following main features:

  • Ultra-low power consumption
  • rugged design for industrial applications
  • Leading battery life
  • Multiple IMU parallel measurements
  • Multiple group sequential measurements with timer
  • History data review
  • CSV file export
  • Remote transmission via internet, WiFi or cellular network (edge-computing gateways  required)

Applications of wireless IMU SAG200 includes heavy machines, mining, bridges, bolt loosening, IOT etc.

Please refer to the wireless IMU page for technical details. Please contact Broadsens Corporation for sales.

Gateway GU300S with Global Cellular Support Released

In September 2023, Broadsens is happy to announce the release of next generation wireless edge-computing gateway GU300S, which supports global 4G LTE cellular network. GU300S can send data received from wireless vibration and temperature sensors remotely through cellular network to clouds, servers or a local PC. This is useful when there is no access to the local Ethernet or WiFi network. GU300S can also be controlled remotely via cellular network either through VPN or MQTT protocol. Before the release of GU300S, when local network is not available, user needs to use a dedicated 4G LTE router to connect to the gateways. GU300S saves the additional hardware investment and integrates the cellular network ability into one hardware.

GU300S wireless gateway cellular network
GU300S connectors back view
GU300S gateway Front View with antenna connector

GU300S has integrated SIM7600G-H-PCIE series LTE Cat 4 module, which supports wireless communication modes of LTE-TDD/LTE-FDD/HSPA+/GSM/GPRS/EDGE etc. GU300S supports maximum 150Mbps cellular downlink rate and 50Mbps uplink rate. GU300S is suitable for LTE, UMTS and GSM networks with global coverage.

4G LTE SIM card is required to use the cellular network function. Similar to other wireless gateways, GU300S comes with integrated database and large local storage. The gateways store wireless vibration and temperature sensor data for 6 months in default, and can be expanded up to five years. GU300S also supports Broadsens's other sensors such as wireless pressure sensors, wireless strain gauges, wireless dynamic angle sensors, etc. For users who do not need cellular network access, wireless edge-computing gateway GU300 is recommended.

Conditional Monitoring With SVT-V Sensors Triggered Scan

Broadsens recently added the ability of using SVT-V series real-time wireless vibration & temperature sensors to trigger SVT-A sensors scan. This innovation made conditional based monitoring possible with wireless vibration & temperature sensors. Before this update, conditional monitoring is only possible with wired vibration sensors that have constant power supply, because it requires the sensors to acquire data continuously. SVT-V series wireless vibration and temperature sensors are the only true real-time sensors in the industry that monitor continuously with long-lasting battery. SVT-A series sensors can capture triaxial acceleration data for advanced vibration analysis and predictive maintenance. By using SVT-V series sensors to trigger SVT-A series sensor scan, the advantages of both sensors are combined to provide the most advanced wireless vibration monitoring system in the industry.

Scheduled monitoring could miss many critical events, because the machines may not be running when the sensors are scanning. It may takes weeks or many months for a scheduled monitoring system to catch the defects of random running machines.

With Broadsens's wireless vibration monitoring system, users can define a trigger level for an SVT-V sensor. The SVT-V sensor monitors continuously. When the trigger threshold is exceeded, then an SVT-A sensor group can be selected to take data for advanced vibration analysis.

As an example, when the steel plates pass through hydraulic press, an SVT300-V sensor can set up an velocity threshold and acceleration threshold to trigger a group of SVT300-A sensors to scan the motors at high frequency. The press machines could run randomly, in which case periodic monitoring by other wireless vibration sensors will miss the working condition. With proper trigger threshold definition, the high resolution triaxial acceleration data of worst working condition of the press machine can be captured by Broadsens wireless vibration and temperature sensors.

Steel mill conditional monitoring

Steel mill conditional monitoring

Railway vibration (dynamic cant) monitoring

Railway vibration (dynamic cant) monitoring

Another example is the railroad machines and structure monitoring. The trains could arrive irregularly, which makes it difficult to obtain high resolution vibration data. With this new feature, an SVT200-V sensor can be set up to trigger multiple SVT-A sensors scan when an vibration level (either acceleration RMS or velocity RMS) is exceeded. In the SVT-A sensor group, user can assign either two SVT200-A sensors or four SVT200-A sensors. We choose SVT200 sensors for high sensitivity monitoring to detect the smallest possible vibration, velocity and displacement. SVT300 or SVT400 sensor could be used depending on the vibration level in applications.

Now it is the magical part: Broadsens SVT-A series wireless vibration sensors in the same group can be synchronized to take data. User can mount two SVT200-A sensors in two tracks. Then the railway dynamic cant can be monitored when a train passes by. The cant of a railway track is the rate of change in elevation (height) between the two tracks. Both SVT-A sensors are triggered by the SVT200-V sensor to take data at the same time when a train passes by. Both the high resolution time domain and frequency domain data in 3D are transferred to Broadsens's wireless gateway for data storage and processing. Then the acceleration, velocity and displacement data are obtained at both SVT200-A sensors with the BroadVibra vibration and analysis software. When a train passes by, then the dynamic cant is obtained with this innovative technology.

The SVT-V sensor triggered SVT-A sensor high resolution scan is an repeated event, which means that the SVT-A sensor high speed scan can be triggered multiple times when either the acceleration RMS or velocity RMS level is exceeded. This ensures that the sensor system can capture critical events with high resolution (up to 16,384 samples in each axis) and high frequency data (up to 25.6kHz).

Before Broadsens developed this conditional based wireless vibration monitoring system, traditional route-based monitoring is still required, since automatic periodic monitoring could miss random defects and production lines that run randomly. A personnel needs to manually take data when the machines are running to capture the issues. However, there are dangerous sites that prohibit the personnel from being onsite. With Broadsens's advanced vibration monitoring technology, traditional route based vibration monitoring could be completely replaced in the future.

SVT-C Series Wireless Vibration Sensors Released

Broadsens is pleased to release the smallest wireless vibration and temperature sensors in the industry, the SVT-C series wireless vibration & temperature sensors. SVT-C series sensors use external 9-36V DC input, which targets customers who want to use the latest wireless technology, but also have access to the power supply and want to avoid the hassle of replacing the sensor batteries. A typical application of the SVT-C series sensors is the spindle machine condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. Spindle machines have access to 24V DC power supply with tight spaces. SVT-C series sensors can be mounted inside spindle machines and monitor the crucial components continuously.

SVT-C series sensors include two options: SVT-CA and SVT-CV. SVT-CA matches the standard SVT-A series sensor functions, while SVT-CV matches the standard SVT-V series sensor functions. Please refer to this article on the difference between SVT-A and SVT-V series sensors. The following SVT-C series sensor models are provided: SVT200-CA, SVT300-CA, SVT400-CA, SVT200-CV, SVT300-CV and SVT400-CV.

Wireless vibration sensor SVT200-C hold by hand
Wireless vibration sensor SVT200-C with external power

Slightly bigger than finger nails, SVT-C series wireless vibration sensors have the smallest footprints in the industry. The sensors can fit into extremely tight spaces, and perform measurements and send data out wirelessly. The enclosure of the sensors are made of stainless steel and industrial plastics, which are resistant to corrosion, vibration and pressure. The sensors should be mounted with epoxy. There is an MOQ (minimum order quantity) of ten SVT-C sensors.

As the most advanced wireless vibration sensor provider in the industry, Broadsens has the largest selection of wireless vibration and temperature sensors. With the release of SVT-C series sensors, Broadsens further enhanced its leadership in the wireless vibration & temperature sensors and wireless IIOT.

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